Codelocks KitLock Makes Access Control Easier
The KL1000 G3 is a flexible solution, ideal for workplaces, staff rooms, storage areas and gyms, providing immediate, convenient keypad access without the need for cards and keys, meeting the needs for less person-to-person contact, including administration by facilities management. The new KitLock, enhanced with a key override function, allows key holders to access the locker in the event of a forgotten code or emergency. With two finishes — silver chrome and black chrome — this modern lock showcases a slimmer, subtler aesthetic. The KL1000 G3 comes with all the popular features of the KL1000 Classic Plus including private and public functions, a 24-hour auto-unlock countdown timer in public function, and up to 20 user codes in private function. Because the KL1000 G3 shares the same fastenings and door prep as the existing KL1000, installations can be easily upgraded and retrofitted. The KL1000 G3 has been developed with the battery compartment accessible via the front of the lock, simplifying the process of changing batteries. Customers can choose to add Clean by Codelocks, an optional antibacterial finish that protects against viruses, bacteria, and environmental toxins.
Codelocks | www.codelocks.us