Chuck Wilson, executive director of NSCA Education Foundation (left), and Mike Boettcher, NSCA Board Member and longtime colleague of John Greene, announce The John Greene Mentorship Award at InfoComm 2023.
Image courtesy of NSCA
NSCA Unveils John Greene Mentorship Award to Honor Passionate Mentors
NSCA, a not-for-profit association representing the commercial integration industry, announced the establishment of the John Greene Mentorship Award.
The annual award will be given to an industry professional who demonstrates the same passion for and dedication to mentorship as Greene did during his 30+ years serving the industry before passing away on May 13, 2021, at age 63 after a lengthy battle with cancer. The winner will be recognized at the annual Business & Leadership Conference.
“As we navigate multi-generational staff and evolving leadership within companies in our industry, it has become increasingly important for businesses to consider implementing a mentorship program,” said Mike Boettcher, EDGE president, longtime colleague of Greene, former NSCA president, and current NSCA board member. “We couldn’t think of an individual who better exemplifies the traits of a mentor than John Greene.”
Greene was always quick to support his colleagues, coworkers, and A/V industry friends, the announcement states. He began his A/V career as a regional account manager for JVC before joining Total Video Products as its vice president of sales. Since 2006, he worked as the vice president of sales and marketing for Advanced AV, which was acquired by New Era Technology in 2013.
While his career was impressive, so were his commitments beyond his professional life. Greene spent five years as an Ignite Ambassador and served as a volunteer and co-captain for Special Olympics Pennsylvania and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Inside and outside the industry, countless people credit him for their professional development, their development of business expertise, and inspiring laughter and joy.
“John had a unique ability to genuinely connect with people,” said NSCA Executive Director Tom LeBlanc. “He seemed particularly interested in helping young professionals build confidence and succeed in our industry. We need more of that, and we hope this award in John’s honor will encourage it.”
Nominations are now open for the first annual John Greene Mentorship Award. Applications must be submitted by Nov. 17. The winner will be notified by Dec. 20. For more information and to submit an application, go here.