Electronic Security Expo (ESX)

ESX 2024: AI, Cloud & Integrations

June 19, 2024

 This year’s Electronic Security Expo (ESX) was held June 4-6 in Louisville, Ky., at the Kentucky International Convention Center. The event was host to education sessions, networking events and — of course — the expo floor.

In SDM’s video recap, industry experts from Bosch, Brivo, DMP, M2M, Napco, Snap One, System Surveyor and Telguard all spoke about what excited them about ESX — and the industry at large. Primarily, those exciting things were artificial intelligence (AI), the cloud, and integrations with more partners. As for the expo, everyone seemed excited for the opportunity to see each other face-to-face.

Monday June 3th was host primarily to ESA member meetings and executive leadership workshops. Tuesday June 4th, featured the opening keynote address from speaker Ryan Leak. Following this, the expo floor — host to over 100 exhibitors — was officially opened. Tuesday was also host to both the Innovation Awards presentation and the SIAC Awards Reception.

Wednesday June 5th saw Kirk MacDowell, president of MacGuard Security Advisors, receive the 2023 Morris F. Weinstock Person of the Year award. Wednesday was also host — as were the previous days — to education sessions and day two of the expo floor. Finally, Thursday June 6th was host to more member meetings, executive leadership workshops and educational opportunities.