

October 1, 2006

Wren Video Management System Software helps businesses capture, review and manage video from multiple locations and access live and archived video from a PC. The software is designed to drive usability and simple, hassle-free maintenance. Built on a familiar, Windows-based platform, the software is intuitive and flexible to meet a range of business users’ needs. Power features for users and IT professionals include: a SelectView Window that enables users to display and size a window with live video from any selected camera while working in other applications; controlled user access that lets administrators assign users different privileges according to their role in the organization; remote client application that offers full capabilities securely from remote PCs for maximum convenience and true 24/7 access; automatic camera detection that detects all cameras on the network automatically; IP address conflict notification that flags dual uses of a single IP address, minimizing mismatched IP addresses on the network; and flexible scheduled recording that enables continuous, time-based or event-based recording that is easy to set and replicate across multiple cameras. Wren Associates

For free information circle 407 or visit www.sdmmag.com/webcardwww.wrenassociates.com