What Technicians Need to Know about Cable & the NEC - SDM Magazine

Wiring for Access Control

November 1, 2007
  1. Plenum-rated wire must always be used for all access control devices.
    a. True
    b. False

  2. Which type of wire should be used for a request-to-exit (REX) motion detector?
    a. 16/2
    b. 22/4
    c. 22/6 shielded
    d. Cat 5e

  3. Which type of wire should be used for a magnetic lock?
    a. 16/2
    b. 22/4
    c. 22/6 shielded
    d. Cat 5e

  4. Which type of wire should be used for a standard Wiegand card reader?
    a. 16/2
    b. 22/4
    c. 22/6 shielded
    d. Cat 5e

  5. Data communication cables run between access controllers always should be shielded.
    a. True
    b. False

  6. Which of the following factors affect the type of cable used for an electric lock?
    a. Wire length
    b. Current draw
    c. Voltage
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above

  7. Metal oxide varistors (MOVs) are used to convert AC to DC.
    a. True
    b. False

  8. The higher the AWG the larger the wire gauge.
    a. True
    b. False

  9. Which of the following can be used to calculate voltage drops?
    a. Kirchhoff’s Law
    b. Ohm’s Law
    c. Thevinin’s Equivalent
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above

  10. Fail-safe locks require power to unlock.
    a. True
    b. False

  11. When designing an access control system, what codes/standards should be considered?
    a. Local building/fire code
    b. Electric code
    c. ADA
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above

  12. Surge current is the amount of current an electric lock draws while energized.
    a. True
    b. False

  13. Grommets or insulated bushings should be used when running cables through steel studs.
    a. True
    b. False

  14. Doors with easy egress hardware require a REX device to allow people to exit.
    a. True
    b. False

  15. In order to utilize anti-passback, which of the following is required?
    a. Request-to-exit motion
    b. In-and-out readers
    c. Request-to-exit button
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above

5-Minute Tech Quiz Answers

  1. b - Plenum-rated cable should be used whenever wire is run above a drop ceiling when the area above the ceiling is used as an air return for the HVAC system. If there is no drop ceiling or if there is a ducted air return, plenum-rated wire is generally not required.

  2. b Although Cat 5e cable could be used, it is more expensive than standard 22/4 cable.

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b Many inter-panel communication cables do not require shielded cable.

  6. d

  7. b

  8. b

  9. b

  10. b Fail-safe locks require power to lock. Fail-secure locks require power to unlock.

  11. d

  12. b Surge current is the amount of current a lock draws when it is initially energized. It typically is higher than the normal current draw of the lock.

  13. a

  14. b Although easy egress hardware allows people to exit without using a REX device, it is common to install a REX motion so that door status can be supervised. Typically, the REX motion is programmed to shunt the status switch but not release the lock.

  15. b Because anti-passback requires users to swipe before they can exit or before they can enter, using a request-to-exit device defeats the purpose, although one may be used to allow a receptionist to grant a visitor entry or exit.