Urgent Call to Action: New York Legislative Update
June 1, 2009
The Central Station Alarm Association, in its CSAA Signals e-newsletter today reported that the New York Burglar & Fire Alarm Association informed CSAA that the Senate Judiciary Committee agenda for tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2, 2009 contains the S4507 exculpatory clause bill.
"We hope you have contacted your state senator about this industry changing bill!" wrote CSAA. "Senator Mike Ranzenhofer has stated in a letter that he does NOT support this bill. You should ask your Senator to let you know in writing if they are for or against this bill."
Below are links to several of these important documents:
- Background information about the issue: http://www.csaaul.org/signals/csaa_signals_vol_15_no_10.htm#ny
- List of members of the Senate Judiciary Committee: http://www.csaaul.org/NYJudiciaryCommittee09.doc
- A sample letter to your Senator: http://www.csaaul.org/NYSenatorLetterS4507.doc
- Letter from Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer supporting the Alarm Industry position: http://www.csaaul.org/NYSenatorRanzenhoferresponseS4507.pdf
- Letter from Security America Risk Retention Group predicting the the negative impact of the legislation on the Alarm Industry position: http://www.csaaul.org/NYSARRGLetterS4507.pdf
CALL TO ACTION: If any of the Senators on the Judiciary Committee is your Senator, please call now and voice your opposition, CSAA reported. Please follow up your call with a letter also.
CSAA asks for interested parties to please send the responses from their insurance agents now to Tim Creenan at 716-632-4600 or timc@amherstalarm.com.