Lead Paint Rule Enforcement Delayed
Through a coalition of construction and other business
groups, ESA has worked to delay EPA enforcement of its Lead Renovation, Repair
and Paint Rule to allow adequate time for industry professionals to become
trained and certified in the new regulations. EPA declared intent to delay
enforcement until October 1, 2010 in a letter
sent to its regional enforcement offices.
Members should be aware of the regulations and become
certified if they do any type of work in pre-1978 residential homes. Not only
are the fines significant, but companies open themselves up to damaging
lawsuits if they are uncertified.
Now that the residential rules are complete, the EPA has
turned its focus to public and commercial buildings for similar regulations.
The agency is in the information-gathering stage at this point.
For information and previously published articles on this
issue, visit ESA's
government relations page and this article from the April issue of SDM SmartHome.