
Vote for Someone on Tuesday; Submit Your Companys Story

October 29, 2010

In the last two weeks, I’ve traveled to Las Vegas twice for construction trade shows. While there, I had to turn off the TV in my hotel room to escape the tidal wave of negative political ads.   

These attack ads (it appears Harry Reid and Sharron Angle will not be swapping holiday cards this year) were so relentless I suddenly harkened for commercials featuring talking geckos, dancing cats, singing fish and “the most interesting man in the world.” By comparison, those commercials seem like Emmy-worthy masterpieces.

One race I will be following is for Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District. Reid Ribble, a contractor and 2005 president of the National Roofing Contractors Association, sold his roofing business and is taking on incumbent Steve Kagen. A first-time candidate, Ribble is running on a pro-small business platform.

Regardless of who you vote for on Tuesday, I hope you vote. Despite the vitriol we see in the media, the U.S. is still a land of freedom and democracy. Even with our current woes, I wouldn’t want to live in any other country in the world.

Let’s practice our freedoms by voting on Tuesday. Then, we can all enjoy months of peace and civility. (OK, I know this is wishful thinking…but why not dream of happy thoughts?).

Speaking of happy thoughts, please visit www.bnpmedia.com/movingon. We created this Web site specifically to share the good and positive stories of construction, mechanical, repair/maintenance, design, engineering, surveying and service firms. These stories feature companies that have met economic adversity head-on and are still standing tall. Visit and learn how are they are doing it.

Better yet, click on the “Submit Story” tab and share YOUR story. Just answer five questions, upload your photo (or your leadership team’s photo) and we’ll do the rest. Help send a positive message to the entire construction field.