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New Version of Access Control Software

June 6, 2011
Secura Key

Secura Key announced the release of its latest and most advanced version of SK-NET™ to date. SK-NET™ Version 4.02 includes enhancements allowing the software to work better with SK-EZ/ID Photo Badge Design and Printing Software when large numbers of photos and/or large photo file sizes are used.  It adds an activity log entry for user add, delete, and modify, as well as various other improvements. It also works with Microsoft® Windows 7, Vista, and XP. SK-NET™ software controls a network of SK-ACP two-door access control panels, allowing up to 100 panels per location.  SK-NET uses the Sybase Advantage database, which is ODBC compliant. Version 4.02 continues SK-NET’s tradition of being easy to learn and easy to use. SK-NET offers eight different languages, context-sensitive help, graphical time zones, anti-passback, limited use, and many other features. Register for training webinars at www.securakey.com/SUPPORT/Training.htm.

Secura Key
For free information visit  www.sdmmag.com/webcard or www.securakey.com