
ASIS Establishes Certification Scholarship for Military Members

July 17, 2012


The ASIS Foundation in partnership with the ASIS Military Liaison Council (MLC) established a new scholarship to recognize outstanding ASIS military members for their duty performance, community leadership, and self-improvement achievements and to assist them in advancing their career by achieving ASIS board certification. The ASIS Foundation/Military Liaison Council Certification Scholarship will award funding to cover direct expenses associated with preparing for and achieving an ASIS board certification (CPP, PCI, or PSP).

According to Joseph Rector, CPP, PSP, PCI, co-chair of the ASIS Military Liaison Council, “Government funding for professional certifications varies greatly among the military services, as it also varies from nation to nation. As a result, many military members must pay for certification costs out of their own pockets. We are excited about this partnership with the ASIS Foundation which provides an opportunity for military members, who are ASIS members, to pursue and enhance their development in the security profession.” 

Those eligible for this award must:

  • Be active duty* military assigned to the armed forces of any nation
  • Be an ASIS member in good standing
  • Meet the professional and educational requirements of the ASIS board certification for which they seek to achieve.

*Reservists or guards who are on full-time, active status are eligible to apply; those who only do weekend drill are not.

The application deadline is August 10, 2012.

The ASIS Foundation and the MLC are seeking individual and corporate donations to the scholarship fund. The number of awards presented will be determined by the amount of funding raised.

For information and a video introduction to the program, visit http://www.asisonline.org/foundation/noframe/scholarships-awards/certification-scholarship.html.

The awards will be presented at the ASIS 2012 Law Enforcement and Military Appreciation Day Luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. On this date, all active-duty law enforcement and military personnel may register onsite for FREE (with valid ID) to attend the day’s keynote address by former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, education sessions, and to visit the exhibits.