Mr. Jorand Moore was the 75,000th install for Power Home Technologies

Power Home Technologies Reaches 75,000 Customers

July 22, 2014

Power Home Technologies celebrated 75,000 customers installed and their 10-year anniversary.  Out of the 75,000 installs, more than half of those customers have been installed since Power Home Technologies became a Monitronics authorized dealer in 2011.

Mr. Jorand Moore was the 75,000th install for Power Home Technologies
Power Home Technologies awarded Mr. Jordan Moore with free monitoring for a year and a system upgrade for being its 75,000th installation.

“Monitronics was honored to celebrate the achievement of Power Home Technologies 50,000th customer in 2012. Now, achieving 75,000 customers installed shows their rapid growth and dedication. Power Home Technologies is a great partner and we continue to look forward to reaching and celebrating many key milestones in the future,” said Bruce Mungiguerra, Monitronics vice president of operations.

For becoming Power Home Technologies’ 75,000th customer, Mr. Jordan Moore received free monitoring for one year and a system upgrade to Alarm.com’s interactive and home automation services at no charge. The upgrades included a light module, Z-Wave Door Lock, and a controllable thermostat.

“I chose to do business with Power Home Technologies because they had a local office with a great reputation in the Hampton Roads area and offered the new technology I was looking for,” Mr. Moore said. “I was very impressed with their follow through on everything they offered and the professional installer who was a dedicated employee of the company.”

Power Home Technologies is a “super regional” company in the Southeast that has branch locations in V.A., N.C., S.C., Fla., Tenn., and Ala. They also do business in 13 other states throughout the U.S.