CEDIA, Powerhouse Alliance Partner to Offer Training
CEDIA has partnered with Powerhouse Alliance to offer a series of networking training workshops at Volutone. Partnering with Volutone will provide another outlet for home technology professionals to experience face-to-face education with instructor support. The courses available are part of the pathway to prepare for CEDIA’s Residential Networking Specialist certification exam. Courses in the networking training pathway have consistently sold out and have gained wide support from the industry.
“Understanding and implementing a robust network has become an essential ingredient for almost every project home technology professionals undertake, and will only increase in importance,” said Mitchell Klein, CEDIA professional development committee chair and director of business development for Universal Remote Control Inc. “CEDIA’s training is thorough, unbiased, relevant and a great way for home technology professionals to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful, regardless of what products they are installing.”
Six of CEDIA’s eight networking courses will be offered through this series of workshops. The series will be broken into three parts. The first set of workshops, beginning in March, will offer IP for Technicians (EST 243) and Wireless Network Technologies (EST253). David Grant, operations manager for Volutone, will be instructing the workshops.
“We believe that education is critical to the success of our custom integrators,” said Dennis Holzer, executive director of Powerhouse Alliance. “We strive to create partnerships with our dealers, and training is an integral ingredient to help them further their product knowledge, which also allows them to increase their sales offerings. CEDIA training, especially the networking classes, is a natural fit for us to help support our dealers and vendors.”
Part One Workshop Schedule:
March 11 - Van Nuys, Calif.
April 2 - Las Vegas
May 7 - San Diego
Part two of the networking workshop will be offered June through August and will include Intermediate Networking (EST333) and Advanced Wireless Networking (EST353). Part three of the networking workshop, offered September through December, will include Remote System Access: Methods, Security & Best Practices (EST423) and Tailoring Network Performance with VLANs & QoS (EST443).
Dates for the second and third set of workshops in this series will be determined in the coming months. Selected networking courses are also available through CEDIA’s online training library.
For information, visit www.cedia.net.