
Briscoe Protective Launches Carbon Monoxide Microsite

September 3, 2015

Briscoe Protective Systems Inc. launched its new microsite focused on carbon monoxide (CO) and the new commercial monitoring laws affecting N.Y. businesses.

This new CO section will provide a resource for commercial businesses, offering information on how they can improve CO safety at their facilities and stay in compliance with the new legislation that went into effect June 27, 2015. Website visitors will be able to view and download relevant information online and sign up for complimentary site evaluations, free educational presentations and free code seminars.

As a public service, Briscoe is offering a free presentation to local businesses and organizations on the dangers of CO, explaining how to protect the public while complying with new local laws. The presentation covers CO basics, what the new local codes entail, and new compliance requirements for commercial businesses. Briscoe can visit businesses at their own premises or host the presentation at its corporate headquarters in Centereach, N.Y. In addition, Briscoe offers a complimentary site evaluation of existing systems to help business owners determine how their systems can interface with the newly required CO detection devices.

Briscoe’s CEO Robert P. Williams has been attending and speaking at many of the public hearings on CO legislation across Long Island, N.Y., encouraging local legislative officials to implement stricter CO laws for commercial facilities. “We are extremely proud to be known as the experts in CO safety and compliance and look forward to helping our commercial community stay safe and help prevent the risk of any further CO tragedies,” Williams said.

 Visit www.briscoeprotective.com/CO for information.