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Razberi & Cylance OEM Partnership Will Bring Cybersecurity to Video Surveillance Systems

August 1, 2017

Razberi Technologies and Cylance Inc. signed an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) agreement to embed CylancePROTECT software in Razberi ServerSwitchIQ appliances. CylancePROTECT will be integral to the new Razberi CameraDefense solution that, combined with Razberi’s secure appliance architecture, provides comprehensive protection over the server, video management systems (VMS), and camera ecosystem.

“The physical and network security worlds continue to converge, putting video surveillance systems and any attached networks at risk from unprotected endpoints,” said Tom Galvin, CEO, Razberi. 

CylancePROTECT leverages artificial intelligence to detect and prevent malware from executing on endpoints in real time. By taking a mathematical approach to malware identification using patent-pending, machine learning techniques instead of reactive signatures and sandboxes, CylancePROTECT renders new malware, viruses, bots, and unknown future variants useless. 

Because it uses very little memory and less than one percent of CPU, CylancePROTECT will not disrupt the video management systems running on Razberi ServerSwitchIQ appliances. In addition, with no Internet connection or signature updates required, the product protects even remote endpoints connected to the Razberi system.

Visit www.razberi.net or www.cylance.com for more information.