Rave Mobile Safety & RapidSOS Form Partnership

Rave Mobile Safety & RapidSOS Form Partnership

August 1, 2017

Rave Mobile Safety announced a strategic partnership to transform the information available to responders to greatly accelerate response times and save lives. The partnership will utilize Rave’s and RapidSOS’ technology to immediately deliver precise location information and real-time connected device data from RapidSOS’ NG911 Clearinghouse directly to 911 call takers, dispatchers and responders — improving situational awareness and speeding the response to emergency calls.

Enabled smartphones and other connected devices will be able to transmit precise location and additional caller information to the RapidSOS NG911 Clearinghouse when a 911 call is made. Data is provided in the background without a need for citizens to utilize a smartphone app to call 911. Through the partnership, Rave 911 Suite clients will immediately have access to this lifesaving information at no cost.

Now, on supported devices, detailed caller location, vehicle telematics (airbag deployments, number of occupants) and even real-time health information from wearable devices (heart rate, oxygen saturation) will be available for display automatically with a 911 call.

“Having access to better location information on callers will be a game changer,” said Rob McMullen, director, Vigo County 911 and National Emergency Number Association (NENA) 1st vice president. “Relevant information is critical to an effective response. Through its partnership with RapidSOS, Rave continues to deliver capabilities that improve our ability to serve those we protect.”

Visit www.ravemobilesafety.com for more information.