

NJPA Solutions Awards Contracts to 7 Industry Vendors

August 30, 2017

The National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), a government agency committed to providing cooperative solutions assisting governmental, educational, and nonprofit entities as they strive for efficient public service, recently awarded seven contracts in the “Facility Security Equipment, Systems and Services with Related Equipment and Supplies” category. 

NJPA contracts are solicited across North America and competitively awarded on behalf of NJPA current and potential government and education member agencies. Following a national competitive solicitation process, NJPA awarded contracts to the following seven vendors based on best value: APi National Service Group, Convergint Technologies, Johnson Controls, Siemens Industry, SimplexGrinnell, STANLEY Security and Tyco Integrated Security.
Through these contracts, entities can find virtually everything they need when it comes to facility security management: surveillance, access control, fire detection/warning and suppression, security gate control, and more, according to a press release from the organization.

“Each facility has its unique requirements for protecting its assets — including personnel,” said Tony Glenz, NJPA lead contract administrator. “I’m very pleased with the outcome of this solicitation. The awarded vendors will provide NJPA members a full gamut of solutions when it comes to securing their facilities.”

The contracts, which became effective June 30, 2017, will streamline the purchasing and service acquisition process, saving time and money for NJPA members throughout the U.S. and Canada, according to NJPA.