
Honeywell to Introduce DIY Home Security System

October 17, 2017

Honeywell, which has offered thermostats, security cameras and professionally monitored security systems, has sent emails to its existing customers teasing an upcoming DIY home security system, according to a CNET article.

The product is slated for a Nov. 1 release and it will reportedly debut in partnership with crowdfunding site Indiegogo, according to CNET.

The company contacted SDM, stating, "Honeywell wanted to inform you about the launch of a new solution called Honeywell Smart Home Security System targeting tech savvy consumers. The new solution will be an all-in-one, self-monitored and self-installed system that is attractive to the estimated 60 percent of U.S. households who aren’t interested in traditional security services and contracts. Honeywell Smart Home Security System will be available for professional dealers early next year to help them reach this market."

It went on to state that Honeywell would begin notifying customers about the launch on Oct. 16.

Honeywell provided a statement to SDM about the development: “We are actively working with our professional security dealer and installer customers to grow their businesses as this industry evolves. We believe the rapidly growing self-installed security space represents an opportunity for professional security dealers to expand their existing business models. The new Honeywell Smart Home Security solution gives our dealers an opportunity to sell to a different type of customer, and compete against the new players expanding into this space,” said Brian Casey, vice president and general manager, Residential & Intrusion Solutions, Honeywell Security & Fire, Melville, N.Y.