Insider News & Business 2019

Richmond Alarm Acquires Becker & Ellington Security Systems

January 24, 2019

Richmond Alarm announced the acquisition of Becker & Ellington Security Systems of Midlothian, Va. The transaction is the second Richmond Alarm has made in the past year. The merger is anticipated to result in double digit growth for Richmond Alarm as they continue to expand their central Virginia physical security services footprint and offer the latest technology to residential and commercial customers.

Becker & Ellington and Richmond Alarm have been in close partnership for the past 22 years as Becker & Ellington already utilizes Richmond Alarm’s monitoring center, headquartered in Richmond, Va.

“We are always eager to partner with companies that share our vision of offering high quality physical security products combined with local — and therefore accountable — customer service and monitoring,” said Richmond Alarm CEO Brian Vanderheyden. “But this partnership is particularly near and dear to our hearts. Randy and his team bring product and customer expertise that is unmatched in our area. We are excited to have them join our family.

Randy Ellington of Becker & Ellington added, “We have known Richmond Alarm for decades and have the utmost respect for them and their operation. Our values and customer first mentality match perfectly with the goals of the Richmond Alarm team.”

All Becker & Ellington employees will join Richmond Alarm.