
NTC Classrooms Go Virtual

March 24, 2020

In an effort to do its part to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Training Center (NTC) is taking all of its live, instructor-led training into the Virtual Classroom.

The Virtual Classroom is the same platform that many colleges and universities are using. Participants can ask questions verbally, through chat or by using the virtual "raise hand" option. This platform allows you to not only see the instructor, but you have the option to use your computer's web camera to also participate visually. 

In an effort to give you an interactive classroom experience, Virtual Classes are limited to no more than 35 students. NTC will ship you the same books and resources that you would receive in class.

NTC’s current plans are to present all April and May classes in the Virtual Classroom. If you have already registered for one of these classes, they will be in contact shortly. Find the Virtual Classroom schedule here.