Top Systems Integrators Report 2022: Taking on the Elephant in the Room
In the face of significant obstacles in 2021, top security integrators ranked on the 2022 TSI Report are demonstrating the resilience, creativity and perseverance that keeps them at the top.
Supply chain issues are the biggest challenge security integrators faced in 2021 and will continue to be a burden at least through this year. // INVINCIBLE_BULLDOG/ISTOCK / GETTY IMAGES PLUS VIA GETTY IMAGES
There’s an elephant in the room. It is large and looming and most certainly impacting this year’s top security integrators. But unlike that particular metaphorical expression, everyone is talking about this one — supply chain shortages. Of course, supply chain issues can be directly tied to fallout from the ongoing issue of COVID-19, the “great resignation,” and inflation, all of which were top of mind in this year’s responses to the 27th annual Top Systems Integrators Report survey.
2022 SDM Top Systems Integrators Rankings Preview
Rank 2022 | Rank 2021 | Company & Headquarters | North American Systems Integration Revenue 2021 |
1 | 1 |
Convergint Schaumburg, Ill. |
$1,704,230,647 |
2 | 2 |
ADT Boca Raton, Fla |
$639,000,000 |
3 | 26 |
CTSI Chantilly, Va. |
$341,000,000 |
4 | 5 |
Allied Universal Technology Services Santa Ana, Calif. |
$273,481,000 |
5 | 4 |
Vector Security Warrendale, Pa. |
$155,185,000 |
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“The biggest issues we had in 2021 were the continuance of COVID-19 restrictions such as illness, quarantine, and vaccinations,” writes TRL Systems Inc., ranked No. 24. “Also our industry is currently dealing with manpower issues. We have seen a reduction in qualified applicants across the board for field and project management personnel. Last but not least has been the economy; we are ALL having issues with cost due to our current supply chain mess in the world. We have seen two price increases in one year from our manufacturers as well as pricing surcharges. This has all had an impact on our profitability.”
No. 28 Dallas Security Systems Inc. & DSS Fire echoes that sentiment: “Supply chain issues are bad. We sell jobs, then have to wait for parts. Customers get impatient, as you can imagine. Also, it is very difficult to find new employees. We still have most all of our lead techs but really new rookie helpers that we train to be lead techs. No one wants to work!”
Both in relation to 2021 and in predictions for the remainder of 2022 (surveys were conducted in March 2022), these same themes came up again and again in the comments.
“Supply chain issues seem to be the biggest barrier right now and into the foreseeable future for 2022,” writes No. 82, Custom Alarm. “In addition to supply chain issues, the continued increases in prices and surcharges and tariffs make it challenging to accurately and profitably quote and sell jobs. This continues to be a big pain point in that we not only find it difficult to get product, but the manufacturers continue to impose price increases numerous times a year even on previously placed orders. This is extremely frustrating.”
In spite of these barriers, this year’s Top Systems Integrators Report numbers tell a story of the resilience and resourcefulness of the security industry in general and these security integrators in particular.
As a whole, the top 100 systems integrators regained in 2021 much of integration revenue they lost in 2020, rebounding to a collective $4.48 billion in revenues — a 10 percent increase after a 12 percent decline last year — only 3 percentage points off their pre-pandemic 2019 numbers. And this was without revenue counted from Securitas (ranked No. 3 in 2021), which elected not to report this year due to its ongoing acquisition of Stanley. Others made up the difference, however, with both Pye-Barker and Cook and Boardman reporting for the first time as parent companies for a number of security integrators they have acquired in the last year, including several former top 100 companies. CTSI also moved far up the ranks, reflecting its acquisition streak in 2021 and 2022.
In spite of concerns about employee shortages, this year’s top integrators also employed more full-time workers than they did in either 2019 or 2020 — with a collective 43,204 employees compared to 36,783 in last year’s report.
Strategic Security Solutions, ranked No. 54, is one company that ramped up its hiring last year. “We have continued to see growth internally, including additional resources and manpower. We staffed up and capitalized on key personnel hires to help us fuel this growth going forward. Sales and operations have experienced growth, and valued training has helped build a solid foundation for our new hires. We have defined processes for streamlined project management, sales team development, internal back office processes and daily processes.”
Profits in 2021 also remained identical to 2020 numbers, and very close to 2019, in spite of inflation and rising costs, although at least one top integrator acknowledged this came at a price.
“We did a restructuring and refocusing of the business and raised rates even though the market was soft,” writes Netronix, ranked No. 9.
“We are ALL having issues with cost due to our current supply chain mess in the world. We have seen two price increases in one year from our manufactures as well as pricing surcharges. This has all had an impact on our profitability.”
Given all this, it is not surprising that despite predictions of ongoing challenges, confidence remains high, with nearly 80 percent of companies predicting 2022 revenues will increase. Just 2 percent are predicting a decrease.
One reason for that might be that while supplies and labor may be a bump in the road, customer demand, new technology adoption, and project sales seem to be full speed ahead.
“In 2021 we were most proud to expand our technology offering to our existing and new client base,” writes Unlimited Technology, ranked No. 8 and SDM’s 2021 Systems Integrator of the Year. “We expanded our audio/visual and network technology offerings as well as bundling our security solutions with AI offerings and enhanced cybersecurity.”
Top Systems Integrators: At a Glance
Total North American revenue from systems integration for the 100 largest security integrators totaled $4.48 billion in 2021 from solutions such as design, project management, product, installation, programming, start-up, and training sold directly to an end-user customer or through a tier of contractors. It does not include recurring revenue from services and monitoring, as integrators were asked to report that amount separately. A comparison between the top 100 companies ranked this year and the top 100 ranked in 2021 shows a 10 percent increase in systems integration revenue after a dip last year. Although numbers aren’t yet up to pre-pandemic 2019 levels, new systems were also up 17 percent over 2020. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Top Systems Integrators: 10-Year Performance
North American systems integration revenue (as reported to or estimated by SDM) gained back most of the ground lost in 2021, based on reporting from 100 Top Systems Integrators. This amount registers a 10 percent increase. (Note: It is important to read the footnotes above when referencing the results of each year, because the addition or removal of a large security integrator can have a major effect on total revenue.) // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Profit Margin Unchanged
The percentage of security integrators that saw their net profit increase, decrease, or stay the same in relation to 2020 was virtually unchanged from last year’s report, which is not bad, considering the chaos in 2020. Of those who reported an increase, the average increase was 30 percent. However, taking out those that reported 100 percent or over the average increase drops to 8 percent, which is likely more accurate. However, of those who reported a decrease the average was just 4 percent, down from 12 percent last year. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
2022 Revenue Confidence High
Optimism continues to rise when it comes to 2022 revenues, increasing 4 percentage points over 2021 to almost 80 percent. With just 2 percent expecting a decrease. Of those anticipating an increase, they expect an average of 15 percent increase over 2021 revenues, up 2 percentage points. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Top 10 Integrators by Total Revenue
Among companies ranked on the Top Systems Integrators Report, these businesses reported the highest total revenue in 2021. Both Pye-Barker and CTSI appear in the top five for the first time. Cook and Boardman is another new addition to the top 10. Securitas, ranked No. 3 in last year’s report for both total revenue and integration revenue, elected not to participate in this year’s ranking due to an ongoing acquisition. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Security Integrators’ Sales Revenue by Product Category
Top systems integrators were asked to break out their 2021 sales revenue by type of product. The single largest category of revenue from products is from “integrated non-residential systems” that combine two or more different technology solutions, which is unchanged from last year. This is followed by video surveillance at 17 percent, and access control and intrusion tied at 13 percent of sales revenue. Top systems integrators are asked to assign percentages to each product category that makes up part of their sales revenues; these responses are averaged by each category. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Security Integrators’ Sales Revenue by Service Category
Top systems integrators were asked to break out their 2021 revenue by type of service. The single largest category of revenue is from “system sales and installation,” making up 52 percent of total revenue, followed by monitoring at 23 percent, and service contracts at 11 percent. Responses were largely unchanged from last year. Top systems integrators are asked to assign percentages to each service category that makes up part of their sales revenues; these responses are averaged by each category. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Breakdown of Jobs on an Integrator’s Staff
Average percentage of staff employed in various departments at SDM 100 companies
This chart, which you can use to compare job titles in your own company with industry averages, shows the average percentage distribution of job titles among all responding Top Systems Integrator companies. Fort-two percent of jobs are comprised of installation and technical service positions // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
93% of Fleet Are Technical Vehicles
Top Systems Integrators were asked to report the number of vehicles in their fleet and break them down by technical, sales and other. Ninety-three percent of vehicles were reported as technical, registering no change from the previous year. SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Top 3 Sectors Remain Office Space, Education, Healthcare
Top Systems Integrators were asked to rank the sectors that provided the most significant portion of their revenue. These top market sectors provided the most significant portion of revenues to security integrators in 2021. Education overtook corporate office space for the top spot this year. But for the past several years, corporate office space/property management, education, and healthcare have steadfastly been among the top market sectors for security integrators. // SOURCE: SDM TOP SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS REPORT, JULY 2022
Customers & Technology
When it comes to technology, cyber and AI are two of the top trends driving security integration business forward, along with cloud, mobile credentials, security as a service, and others.
For Integrated Security Technologies Inc., ranked No. 10, cyber security is at the top of its customer demands, followed by technologies that help them get back to work: “Cybersecurity tops the list. Ensuring systems are deployed in a manner in which they are ‘hardened’ and compliant with IT infrastructure policies is paramount. … Second on the list would be the adjustments in the workplace, as people return to a post-pandemic environment. Applying technologies such as visitor management, touchless technologies and cyber-secure technologies/services to support the remote workplace are all going to be heavily focused on by companies.”
Writing well before the most recent tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, several integrators also mentioned solutions to help with active shooter situations, from gunshot detection to AI.
“I believe cyber-attacks and active shooter attacks will be top of mind for businesses and safety personnel,” writes Darren Crawford, PSP, vice president and general manager commercial and national accounts for No. 47, Guardian Protection. “Our industry must do a better job to help prevent and mitigate the damage done by these events and drive technology that supplies our first responders with real-time communication and video that expedites neutralization of the threat and helps render aid to the wounded more quickly. I believe regulatory agencies such as OSHA’s General Duty Clause will drive more businesses to take steps to protect against an active shooter situation. Early gunshot detection is available, and I believe we’ll see more of these systems deployed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies are working to enhance early warning video detection of the presence of a gunman — prior to the first shot. I believe the industry should and will deploy more early warning systems and also help facilitate the inclusion of tactical casualty care training into active attack response planning so that personnel are better equipped to administer aid to the wounded.”
But because many of these technologies can be both difficult and expensive to supply right now, technology advances go hand in hand with managing customer expectations and maintaining those relationships.
No. 37 D/A Central writes, “AI is starting to supplant analytics; we need to pay attention to that. [But] inflation is going to be very difficult, especially managing existing contracts.”
Several top integrators also touted managed and hosted service offerings as a key ingredient to success in 2021 and beyond.
For example, No. 15 RFI Communications & Security Systems writes, “Supply chain will remain a major factor in 2022. Integrators will have to work closely with their customers on supply lead time. In some cases, due to time sensitivity, customers may need to move forward with a secondary or sometimes even a third product of preference than initially expected in order to comply with timelines. Additionally, the work-from-home/hybrid office shift will continue to result in more consolidation of office space and reduction in system size of many of our large campus systems, which may never return to the pre-pandemic levels we knew prior to 2020. Integrity and reliability of these systems will be paramount, which is where managed services can show their value. Cyber-threats will continue to grow, and manufacturers and integrators will have to work harder to ensure their practices and system deployments are properly secured.”
For No. 77 Watchmen Security Services LLC, it still comes down to the bread and butter of the security integrator, however: making systems work together. “Technologies working together will have the biggest impact on business in 2022 — having biometrics, video integration, cloud, wireless, touchless access, mobile credentials, building automation, etc., all working on the same platform in an easy to use way for the end user.”
2022 & Beyond
The themes of supply chain and labor concerns married with customer demands for new technology show no signs of going away any time soon. Most top security integrators cite these factors as the main issues and trends that will impact their company for the rest of 2022 and beyond.
No. 19 Preferred Technologies LLC writes that last year and this year are all about “supply chain, supply chain, supply chain! We cannot conduct work without materials. The labor market is tight. Staffing will probably get worse before it gets better, as the supply chain will likely consume a significant portion of the workforce. And customers are currently accepting cost increases for both materials and labor, but their acceptance of the cost increases will likely stop soon.”
No. 95 Vortex 1 Security also sees the twin issues of inflation and supply as the top concern for 2022: “The greatest impact to our business in 2022 will be the inflation pressures from the economy. Not only does this impact our pricing but it also affects our current employees and cost of living. This is by far the biggest issue for 2022. We are still expecting to see supply chain issues throughout the year as well.”
Yet, while everyone acknowledges that the current business climate is here to stay for the foreseeable future, these top security integrators are prepared to push through and use their strengths to succeed.
“Convergint will continue to see growth in 2022 as the enterprise demand for advanced and fully integrated global security systems increases,” writes the No. 1-ranked company. “Ongoing supply chain inefficiencies will pose a challenge and systems integrators can expect to have to work around unpredictable delays. Transparent communication with customers and partners will be absolutely critical to maintaining exceptional service.”
No. 84 Security Pros LLC writes, “We have a strong team that is embedded in our culture, and they are consistently improving their departments and their processes. This increases our focus on process improvement and efficiency. With the shift in the way our clients operate and incorporate our solutions into their business operation, winning the work is not going to be our problem. Overcoming supply chain issues and ever changing technology, while keeping our cashflow in line through progressive billing, and increased client communication is going to be key to long term success.”
Given their past performance in trying times, it is a good bet that these companies will be able to do just that. As the old adage goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
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