The Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) and The Monitoring Association (TMA) are seeking entries for the industry-sponsored Sheriff/Private Security Partnership award.

“SIAC has a long history of successfully partnering with the National Sheriffs’ Association [NSA] as well as local sheriffs around the country,” said SIAC Executive Director Stan Martin. “This award allows security industry representatives from around the country to recognize a local sheriff’s office for their partnership with our industry and our shared goals of serving and protecting the public.”

“Part of our mission is to bring security industry companies to the table so that mutually agreeable solutions for communities are achieved,” Martin adds. “SIAC and TMA want to recognize companies and their local sheriffs for successful programs in their communities.”

How to Enter

A security industry member can nominate a sheriff by submitting the entry form and providing a brief explanation of the collaborative effort. If selected, the sheriff and the participating security company will receive recognition by NSA and announcements that accompany the award program.

Says Martin, “The partnership award is an example of NSA pushing this same type of approach — agreed-upon solutions with buy-in from all involved parties. Given the importance of adopting standards that make sense and are enforceable when it comes to managing alarm systems locally, NRA has strongly encouraged security companies to consider applying for this award.”

Along with a partnership between private security and the sheriff’s office, to qualify the nominee must be a member in good standing with the NSA. Nomination submissions will be held on file for two subsequent years and re-considered each year.

The nomination must include the following:

  • Description of the public-private partnership, project title, project activities and major accomplishments working with and involvement with the sheriff’s office
  • Name of the Sheriff’s office and sheriff
  • Nominator’s name, title and sheriff’s office or private entity
  • Letters of Recommendation (Sheriff, etc)

Nominations are now being accepted and must be postmarked to NSA by Dec. 16. NSA will make arrangements for the award to be presented locally at the awardee’s office.

Download an award packet here.