NAPCO Security Technologies announced that its Alarm Lock Trilogy Networx Wireless PIN and Prox Access Locks are newly certified with the LenelS2 OnGuard access control system (version 8.2 & 8.3).

As a LenelS2 Open Access Alliance Program Partner (OAAP), Alarm Lock Networx Access Lock products (PL, PDL, and DL-Series) were fully tested and certified by LenelS2's Quality Assurance Department for use with the OnGuard system, according to the announcement. With this update, NAPCO said integrators and VARs have a choice of security management platforms, seamlessly interfaced with the company’s locks, now including LenelS2, Continental Enterprise, and new MVP Cloud-Hosted ACaaS systems, the latter two, from sister divisions of Alarm Lock’s parent company, NAPCO Security Technologies.

Upgrading to any of these three platforms, from the standard Alarm Lock DL-WINDOWs database software, enables real-time lockdown, global operations, scheduled server-based programming, etc., offering a real-time wireless access control solution within Lenel’s OnGuard Platform, Continental Access CA4K Enterprise Security Management Systems or MVP Access /Cloud-Based Hosted System.

NAPCO Alarm Lock’s Trilogy Networx Series and ArchiTech’s locks offer businesses and facilities, controlled access, and real-time lockdown security and server-based management for a few doors or users to thousands while creating a commonality of function and ease of use on any door type, using cylindrical, mortise, narrow stile, and exit trim models.