Bosch Security Systems’ FCP-500 Series smoke detectors are designed for high architectural standards. Key applications for the FCP-500 and FCP-500-C include areas where aesthetics are important, such as high-end homes, condos, apartments, museums, historical buildings and corporate lobbies. The unit’s smooth, sealed surface and contamination detection also make it especially effective in areas with high dust. FCP-500 Series detectors are flush-mounted into the ceiling; only a smooth, sealed faceplate is visible from below. The sealed cover plate eliminates internal smoke-sensing chambers, creating dual virtual smoke detection areas via a proprietary signal processing technology. The detector also comes with a CO sensor that increases reliability by adjusting the chamber’s sensitivity to accommodate the level of CO, a normal byproduct of combustion. The sensitivity level increases when CO is detected, making the unit equal to or better than standard commercial photoelectric smoke chambers.Bosch
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