The NetLink UL-listed TCP/IP central station receiver from Napco Security addresses the increasing need for UL central stations to adopt new receiver technologies because of the adoption of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in place of traditional “telco†services. The rack-mounted receiver enables cost-effective, secure Internet alarm reporting. While in compliance with UL central station applications, requiring primary and mirrored backup receivers, two NetLink UL receivers can be installed at the same cost as a single traditional receiver. Both receivers interface with the conventional CS automation system and are simply connected to each other with a network crossover cable, where the mirrored receiver serves as a hot backup, duplicate receiver. NetLink UL TCP/IP receivers feature two modes of operation, automatic mode, where alarm signals are sent normally to the automation system for processing, or manual mode, used when direct operator interaction is desired, accomplished through an easy, menu-driven keypad-style alphanumeric interface on the face of the receiver. It is listed for UL864 (Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems) and UL1610 (Central Station Burglar Alarm Units). Any brand of alarm system installation, old or new, faced with the absence of traditional “telco/land lines,†can be simply, economically equipped with a NetLink Module.
Napco Security
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