Accepting the award for Best Brand Recognition is director of marketing communications Joe Olmstead, of Pelco. Beth McGuffin, of Clear Seas Research, presents the award.

Burt Aylesworth, sales manager, of ADI, accepts the award for Best Sales Support from Beth McGuffin, of Clear Seas Research.

SDMannounced the winners of its first annual Channel Partners Awards at ISC West, Las Vegas. TheSDMChannel Partners Awards program, an expansion ofSDM’s Securing America Awards (which measured marketing collateral), recognize the importance of comprehensive and complex programs by manufacturers to attract, retain and support their channel partners. Awards were given in five categories, which were determined as the areas most important to installing companies when they review and select suppliers:
  • technical support,

  • sales support,

  • the offering of technologically advanced products,

  • brand reputation, and

  • marketing support.
A company was named Overall Best Channel Partners Program winner as well.

Pelco won three Channel Partners awards, walking away with Best Tech Support, Best Offering of Technologically Advanced Products, and Best Overall Brand Recognition.

David Gottlieb, vice president, Global Marketing Communications, of Honeywell Security, accepts the award for Overall Best Channel Partners Program from Beth McGuffin, of Clear Seas Research.

ADI won the award for Best Sales Support, and GE Security won the award for Best Marketing Support.

Honeywell Security garnered the Overall Best Channel Partners Program award, based on the company earning the best overall ranking in all five categories.

All of the nominated companies were invited to the event, and representatives from each of the winning companies were on hand to collect the awards.

The winners were chosen through research independently conducted by Clear Seas Research. First,SDMsubscribers were surveyed and asked to nominate the company they thought was the best in each of the five categories. Then, a second survey was conducted and readers were asked to rank the nominated companies in each category to determine the final winners. The winners received the highest amount of votes from the surveyedSDMsubscribers. The overall award was given to the company that ranked the highest in all of the categories combined.