For the third consecutive year, Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China, a supplier of digital video surveillance products, was listed in Security 50, a market survey conducted by A&S Magazine to recognize the top 50 security companies around the world by revenue. With a $70 million increase in revenue from 2006 to 2007, which is 68.5 percent growth, Hikvision is ranked No. 13 on the 2008 Security 50 list, up from last year’s No. 21. The company is also ranked No. 2 in revenue growth among the 50 top security players, and No. 5 on the 2008 Asia Security 25.

Hikvision was also awarded for its contribution to securing the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. The award was presented by Yangshanqiao Olympics Security Center in an award ceremony held to reward six enterprises that made great efforts to guarantee the security of the 2008 Olympic Games. Hikvision is the only manufacturer among the six.
