ISC Solutions booth 1758 - Visitor management systems can now combine the professional appearance of full-color plastic visitor badges with the added security of time-expiring badges.

New Full-Color Expiring Badges have been added to the Visitor Pass Solutions product line. Developed by Data Management Inc., Farmington, Conn., these self-adhesive labels can be used by organizations to print visitor badges in full color, including color photos and color coding, to help control access to different parts of a facility.

“This latest innovation has three main advantages,” said DMI’s vice president of product development, Richard Reed. “One, it allows users who are already printing self-adhesive badges in black and white to now print them in color. Two, for users who are considering plastic badges because of their professional appearance, it gives them a comparable-looking alternative that can be more efficient and economical. And, three, for anyone who already has invested in a color inkjet or laser printer, here’s a way to get more use out of it.”

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