Bosch Security Systems Inc. announced the latest member of its Digital Video Recorder 600 Series: the DVR 670. The DVR 670 is a video management solution forDigital Video Recorder 600 Series: the DVR 670. The DVR 670 up to 16 cameras in a single compact unit and offers real-time recording in 4CIF resolution simultaneously on all channels. Once the unit is connected, the user only needs to enter the language, date and time for the system to begin recording automatically. Live viewing is possible in multiple display aspect ratios from smartphones to wide-screen, high-resolution monitors. The system can be managed locally using a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard, mouse, infrared remote control or directly via the front panel. The DVR 670 also offers a number of remote management options, allowing operators to control the video and recording anywhere via LAN, WAN or the Internet. These include the bundled Bosch Control Center software, which enables the centralized configuration, viewing and control of multiple 600 Series recorders. In addition, a zero-install Web client is available, as well as the Bosch DVR Viewer mobile app for live viewing and PTZ control on iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Bosch Security Systems Inc.