The InsideIQ Building Automation Alliance, an international alliance of independent building automation contractors, based in Rockford, Ill., has elected new leadership, including Frank Rotello as president of the Alliance. InsideIQ Building Automation Alliance is an organization comprised of 49 independent commercial building and facility automation companies representing common automation and security system platforms. Members specialize in the design and implementation of facilities and process control systems, systems integration, enterprise security systems, facilities maintenance services, energy services, and the representation of other value-added products and services.
Other new board appointments include Leroy Walden, secretary; Tommy Reed, operations chairman; and Scott Derby, energy chairman. All InsideIQ Alliance members are independent, local contractors specializing in building environmental and security-system controls and services.
Rotello, who is CEO of Alpha Controls & Services in Rockford, Ill., previously served as vice president of InsideIQ. Walden is vice president of Atlanta-based McKenney’s Inc.; Reed is president of Louisiana Controls based in Baton Rouge, La.; and Derby is vice president of SmartEdge, in Tonawanda, N.Y.
Other 2013 board officers include Paul Strohm, president and COO of Lenexa, Kan.-based C & C Group, who serves as vice president; Kent James, treasurer, vice president of Control Technologies in Lubbock, Texas; and Mark Balent, president of LONG Building Technologies in Littleton, Colo., who is InsideIQ’s past president.
Returning members of the InsideIQ board include: Daryld Karloff, vice president business development at Baker Group in Des Moines, Iowa, who is the group’s business chairman; Jay Fantaski, vice president of technical operations for NRG Controls, Harrisburg, Pa., technical chairman of InsideIQ; and Byron Bailey, vice president of SNE Building Systems, East Granby, Conn., who serves as the security and low-voltage systems chairman.
“Each member of the InsideIQ board is also a leader of an independent, local building automation, enterprise security and systems integration company dedicated to providing excellent service for its customers,” Rotello said. “They volunteer to serve InsideIQ because they value the way our members pool a broad array of business and technical experience from thousands of client projects and more than 5,200 employees worldwide. Thanks to our collaborative communications, ideas are shared and perfected so that InsideIQ members can provide best-in-breed products and solutions that reduce customer risk and increases value.”
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