PSA Security Network announced the owner award winners during the President’s Awards dinner, at Convention 2013 in Chandler, Ariz. Awards were given to companies that had the highest sales increase and overall sales for their regions and amongst all of the co-op purchasers. Amongst the winners were: Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Security Equipment, Stanley Security Solutions, Tech Systems, Unlimited Technology, Southwest Surveillance Systems, Dakota Security Systems, Dallmann Systems, Tech Systems and Unlimited Technology.

The honor of the Paul Marcus Award was granted to Jim Henry of Kratos Defense & Security Solutions. This award, created in 1990, is named after one of the original founders of PSA Security Network. The award is granted based on continued support and going above and beyond to help make PSA Security Network all that it is today, the organization described. 

Also recognized were the top 10 purchasers of PSA’s fiscal year 2013:

1. Tech Systems Inc.


2. Intelligent Access System of North Carolina


3. Kratos Defense & Security Solutions


4. Southwest Surveillance Systems


5. Integrated Security Systems

6. Aronson Security Group

7. Northland Control Systems

8. Security Equipment

9. ASG

10. Bonneville Construction