Ask security integrators and manufacturers which technologies they expect to really make a difference in their business in the coming years and many will answer with one word: wireless. In fact, some even think it will be the technology to watch for the access control market (see this month’s cover story).
Wireless technology helps integrators sell interior doors, cabinets, server racks or other “non-traditional” openings. It can help with a particularly problematic architectural opening or where there is a single remote gate or door. Wireless is poised to play a big role in the future.
“There is a megatrend called the “Internet of Things,” says Ben Hopkins, product manager, commercial electronics for Allegion. “According to a recent Goldman Sachs report, it is estimated that more than 28 billion things will be connected together by 2020.” Although the trend is starting in the residential space it is moving quickly into the commercial and industrial world.
The word “wireless” encompasses a wide number of meanings. For some it means online (or offline) wireless locking. Others mean the communication path is wireless, but the locks or peripherals themselves are wired. Some mean over-the-air via cell phone. Still others view them as hubs for many different elements, of which access control is just a part.
SDM asked manufacturers for some of their most popular or newest wireless products, many of which will be featured next month at ISC West in Las Vegas. Read on for an assortment of wireless access control products available today. And make sure to check out SDM online for links to videos describing many of these offerings.