Law enforcement and industry leaders discuss how video verified alarm systems and priority response make arrests and deliver value. Sheriffs and police chiefs from across the country come together on a panel hosted by the PPVAR (Partnership for Priority Video Alarm Response) to share how video verified alarms impact alarm response in their communities. Police/sheriffs outline how verified alarm systems strengthen the partnership between the “alarm industry” and “law enforcement” with more RMR, stickier customers – and safer communities. ISC West is full of dramatic improvements in video sensor/cameras, monitoring platforms and central station processes that have pushed verified alarms into the residential markets.
Battery-powered wireless solutions for both indoor and outdoor video alarms support the easy-install residential business model. But technology is not enough - alarm response is a crucial part of the business model. Come and learn what this means on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. in Room 701.
A key focus will be law enforcement’s perspective on the PPVAR’s new BEST PRACTICES for video verified alarms. Chief Chris Vinson, Chair of the Texas Police Chiefs Alarm Management
Committee, is a key voice driving this message and educating law enforcement. In 2014, police and sheriffs worked with industry leaders to define central station processes to identify probable crimes in progress – for priority response and more arrests. Vinson recently presented PPVAR’s message to the Texas Police Chiefs Assn. general meeting for adoption state-wide. Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald, the former president of the National Sheriffs Assn., will explain how the sheriffs are embracing this new standard at a national level.
The architect of the recent alarm ordinance in Chula Vista, Calif., will provide an explanation of why Chula Vista delivers priority response to verified alarms. The diverse panel represents jurisdictions that respond to all alarms and well as jurisdictions that have limited response to only verified alarms.
The central station is the link between the alarm and response – the station operators really are central to the process. Three key industry members of the PPVAR’s video verification committee, Mark McCall of Security Central, Pat Devereaux of Emergency 24, and Rob Baxter of Radius Canada, will provide a brief introduction describing the Best Practices document and underscore that simply adding a camera to an alarm system is not enough for priority response according to law enforcement.
The panel will outline how the central station operator is the crucial step in the verification process by reviewing videos based upon a threat level and probable crime. Monitored video alarms deliver police response and self-monitored cameras do not. The process defined by the PPVAR for verified alarms protect the value of the traditional business model and professional monitoring. There will be a networking reception immediately following the session.