TiO (Turn it On) brand automation products added lamp dimmers (LMPNA) to its cast of home automation solutions. The lamp dimmers allow users to manage lighting over 802.11 Wi-Fi connectivity with the TiO Home app. Additionally, TiO has updated software, version 3.2, for the TiO Home app with motorized shade control and refined components of the Android and Apple app. The lamp dimmer will control any kind of lighting load including any mix of incandescent, electronic low voltage, LED, dimmable and non-dimming CFL, magnetic low voltage, motor loads and cold cathode. They are 4.02 in. by 4.02 in. by 2.28 in. and connect to NEMA Receptacle (LMPNA) with a 300 W dimming and switching load. The lamp dimmer connects to the in-wall outlet, and the controlled device simply plugs into the lamp dimmer.
TiO | www.tiohome.com