ACRE LLC, the holding company that owns Vanderbilt Industries, Mercury Security and recently acquired ACT in Ireland, announced the acquisition of Communication Networks LLC, a manufacturer of video and data transmission equipment.

The acquisition of ComNet builds on the ACRE family of companies, providing complimentary communication technologies utilized across its access control, intrusion, video and cloud-based product ranges. ComNet offers a broad line of fiber optic, copper and wireless video and data transmission equipment designed to meet the needs of security and surveillance in the intelligent transportation systems, utility and industrial markets.

ACRE CEO Joe Grillo said, "In line with our mission, the ComNet acquisition, with their extensive offerings in the communication and data transmission technologies, continues to round out the product portfolio provided by the ACRE family of companies."

Andrew Acquarulo Jr, ComNet CEO and president, said, "ComNet is excited to join the ACRE group and recognizes the strength it will bring to the brand and the synergies that are immediately apparent with the other ACRE companies."