3xLOGIC Inc. announced that, in cooperation with Control Installations of Iowa (Ci3), the two companies have donated a completed video surveillance system for this iconic ball field and movie set located in Dyersville, Iowa.

“Several weeks ago there was an act of senseless vandalism that occurred on this high-profile ball field and a lot of damage was done by someone with a very poor sense of judgement,” recalled Carl Bracken, technical security sales for Ci3. “The president of my company shot me a text before I even knew about the vandalism, suggesting we get involved and try to help.”

Field of Dreams, released in 1989, is a movie that has inspired millions and became an Academy Award nominee for Best Picture of the Year. “Nearly thirty years later, we still get more than 110,000 visitors a year,” said Denise Stillman, manager of the Field of Dreams movie site. “Most folks come to run the bases or explore the corn field. We’re the only ball park open 365 days a year, and we’re the world’s largest pick-up baseball game.”

The vandalism to the field was fairly extensive and, unfortunately, also involved destruction of expensive irrigation equipment. Bracken contacted Denise Stillman to explore installing a video surveillance system for the tourist site. After initial discussions, he visited the site on a Saturday, with demo gear in hand, to show Stillman the possibilities. She was keen on what she saw but there was nothing in the budget for such a system.

Working with his company president and reaching out to various vendors, including 3xLOGIC, Bracken came up with a plan to provide the Field of Dreams with the enhanced asset protection and increased security they needed. Recently, Bracken and his team of skilled technicians completed the installation comprised of a 3xLOGIC 8-channel V250 NVR; one 3xLOGIC thermal imager, pointed at the bridge leading to the site entrance; a 3xLOGIC 3 MP mini-dome to cover the retail sales area; and two cameras covering the field itself. The recording equipment is installed on a shelf in the retail store, which is convenient and secure.

“We hadn’t really thought much about security, because for 29 years we had no incidents,” Stillman said. “Now that the system is in place, it’s doing a lot of things for us. The gift shop staff feels much more confident now that they have eyes and ears watching over them. For me, I have a sense of comfort that wherever I am in the world I can see what is happening at the field at all times — I can even check if the sod is greening up. I love that, and the 3xLOGIC mobile app is easy to use and empowering.

“This place is important to the fabric of Iowa life and lifestyle, and Ci3 really stepped up,” Stillman continued. “Carl (Bracken) was very generous with his time and he gave us a solid comfort level in understanding what we needed, what the system would look like, and how it would function. Other local vendors wanted to help, but no one took the time like Carl and Ci3.”

Bracken said, “Along with 3xLOGIC, we were happy to make this donation. We knew Denise didn’t have sufficient budget, and they still needed to find the money to pay for their expensive irrigation system repairs.”