Arcules, provider of video cloud internet of things (IoT) as a service technology, announced the launch of the Arcules platform at Google Cloud Next. The Arcules Intelligent Video Cloud platform aggregates and analyzes previously untapped video surveillance and IoT sensor data, identifies trends in that data and applies predictive analytics to help businesses optimize operations and improve safety. Using the Arcules solution, businesses can access these insights anywhere and from any device in a streamlined, centralized platform, and quickly scale the solution without the burden of additional maintenance or hardware.

Arcules, a Canon Group company, is one of the first to combine enterprise video and IoT sensor data using advanced cloud technologies and artificial intelligence to turn data into actionable insights for businesses. For example, footpath and sentiment analysis for retail and hospitality become exponentially more valuable when video is correlated with sales data. Security practices move from reactive to proactive and predictive, increasing safety and well-being.

“We are aiming to set the standard for agility, security and analytics for video data in the cloud,” said Andreas Pettersson, CEO of Arcules. “After years of rudimentary surveillance, businesses are learning to leverage cloud solutions to unleash the full potential of enterprise video and IoT data. From rapid deployment to AI-powered decision-making, the cloud revolutionizes video service offerings for the businesses of tomorrow. Our team is ready to turn video and IoT data into intelligence for smarter businesses and a safer world.”

Arcules is building the intelligent video cloud platform from the ground up, integrating the latest in cloud, AI and machine learning technologies. This blend of technologies permits companies to deploy and scale rapidly in days, rather than weeks, the company described. 

“For us, it is critical that we offer customers elasticity and scalability for business needs, with end-to-end security and redundancy to safeguard data,” Pettersson said. “By operating on Google Cloud Platform, we deliver industry solutions that scale easily, securely centralize data and device management, and make data aggregation and correlation for video possible.”

The Arcules solution ensures software is always up-to-date and with the latest security protocols and features a clean, intuitive user experience with features such as custom views for user types and intuitive site maps.

“Arcules helps to bring actionable insights to enterprise businesses and helps them operate more effectively and safely every day,” said Adam Massey, director strategic technology partnerships, Google Cloud. “We look forward to continued collaboration with the company to drive further customer success with GCP.”

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