AJ’s Cleaners is a Charlotte, N.C.-based family-run, premier in-house dry cleaning delivery service,
founded in 1988. AJs Cleaners has three locations, 20 employees and daily deliveries from all locations. To help protect their business, monitor security concerns and ensure a high degree of positive customer experiences, they needed a reliable, easy to use surveillance solution.
AJ’s Cleaners was looking for the convenience of a hosted cloud solution when Camcloud’s cloud video surveillance service was recommended to them by a trusted colleague. Dan Giurk, director of marketing and business development, had previously evaluated other solutions, and selected Camcloud for the ease of use and simple setup. Over two years ago, AJ’s Cleaners made the switch from an off-the-shelf, traditional surveillance system, to a cloud-based video surveillance solution. Currently, the business is being protected with up to six cameras per location, with each recording the activity at key locations such as entrances, windows and areas with a wide range of view.
“I’m in and out of our store locations a lot, so I like to be able to keep an eye on the locations via the mobile app on my phone,” Giurk said. “If we receive a complaint about a customer’s experience, I can easily review motion events to determine what happened.”
The cloud solution has truly been a game changer when it comes to ensuring the business is running without issues or threat to the safety of employees, Giurk says. Ensuring fantastic customer service is at the heart of AJ’s Cleaners, and Camcloud’s solution allows the team to review customer interactions with employees in real time. Camcloud’s solution can be accessed remotely from any location and knowing they can check in on the business at any time.
“Any troubleshooting and maintenance can be performed on an as-needed basis,” Giurk said. “As well, Camcloud’s quality reseller service and support means that I don’t have to rely on any onsite technicians or appointments, to resolve any issues.”