GeoView is a mapping feature that gives dealers and users remote visibility over multiple sites and locations. Powered by Google Maps, GeoView lets dealers offer various levels of managed services for recurring monthly revenue while the user can interact seamlessly with their system. GeoView allows users to see status for all locations instantly in a wide-area satellite map and drill down into each location for real-time alarm, health and system monitoring and control. With GeoView, dealers can offer different levels of managed services while the end-user easily interacts with the solution. GeoView users have secure access to a map of their building(s) with information available at a glance through designated icons that indicate live system status. Users get instant visual notification over the map for alarm activation, depicted with a flashing red icon, yellow for a trouble condition and green indicating good health status. Users can see all locations and status of systems installed in one location and view and control equipment by clicking on icons.

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