California’s Senate Bill 327 became a statewide law on Jan. 1, as did Oregon's House Bill 2395. To address cyber security laws like these, DMP has released new firmware updates for its family of control panels.
With its latest control panel firmware release, DMP is providing a new means of authentication as an added security feature. Panels ship with a unique four- to five-digit pre-programmed installer code printed on the serial number label in parentheses just to the right of the serial number. The code will allow the installer access to the panel, just like the standard Default User Code has previously.
This change ensures California and Oregon customers that DMP is in full compliance with the new laws. Both require that all connected devices sold in those states — no matter where they’re made — incorporate “a reasonable security feature or features” that appropriately protect the user of the product and the user’s data from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Both laws specify that single hard-coded passwords are not allowed, and each device must either have a unique passcode or require the user to generate a new passcode before using the device for the first time.
While this brings DMP into compliance in California and Oregon, having this unique code tightens security on all customers’ XR and XT Series control panels by protecting them from unauthorized access.