As companies around the world prepare to reopen businesses or facilities that were previously closed or open with limited capacity, logistical and safety puzzles emerge as organizations determine how to do so safely, while keeping employees, visitors and facilities safe from the persistent threat of COVID-19.

AlertEnterprise announced the launch of several software modules that aim to help organizations automate and proactively enforce policies for workforce re-entry, workspace social distancing, infection response and maintaining business continuity. The software modules are designed to help companies return to work with confidence and defend the workforce from COVID-19 exposure. AlertEnterprise’s solutions integrate with HR, IT and physical security systems including access control and surveillance, to deliver role-based access governance and actionable insights to help protect the workforce while on the job.

By utilizing existing physical access control infrastructure already in place, the Workforce and Workspace Health & Safety Access Governance and Intelligence software modules give security integrators an opportunity to provide more value to existing customers’ investments and help end users navigate these uncertain times.

“Every enterprise is thinking about ‘how do I manage my workforce coming back and gaining access to our facilities, while keeping everyone healthy and safe, managing the business and mitigating future cases of exposure’,” Willem Ryan, vice president of marketing and communications at AlertEnterprise, Fremont, Calif. told SDM. “Integrators can create that value for their current customers by leveraging new technology without having to rip and replace.”

Ryan said that customers from all verticals are interested in finding ways to smooth workforce transitions and employ technology to automate some of the access and tracking processes not only for reopening, but for future outbreaks or issues that occur so that businesses can respond to a potential issue immediately without shutting down the entire organization.

The new Workforce Health and Safety Access Governance module, for example, helps organizations safely bring their employees and visitors back to facilities in a frictionless, controlled and secure way by automating and enforcing COVID-19 related policies and procedures. The Workspace Health & Safety Intelligence module provides analytics to help track confirmed and potentially exposed employees to allow organizations to respond and enforce procedures quickly and efficiently.

Ryan explained that companies can automate the communication process to employees about coming back to work as well as visitors or contractors, and allow them to keep track of the steps the company will take to allow that to happen. Once on-site, AlertEnterprise’s solution, combined with existing access control infrastructure, thermal cameras, analytics, HR databases and any other IT or physical security solutions in place, can aggregate data, manage access and track employees based on their identity.

“This is a complicated and involved process. Companies are looking to automate and streamline a lot of these processes and bring its workforce back in a visible, organized way,” Ryan said. For example, if a person that has been on-site has had exposure to COVID-19 or exhibiting symptoms related to COVID, AlertEnterprise’s solution could potentially track all that data connected to the person and create heat maps, dashboards and risk levels of the facility, along with identifying who else could have been exposed, so that companies could implement lockdown or sanitization of particular areas of a facility without disruption to the entire organization each time an event occurs, he explained.

“This is the new normal, where enterprises must fundamentally reassess how they manage workspace access and the ongoing health and well-being of their workforce and customers in a world with COVID-19,” said Jasvir Gill, founder and CEO of AlertEnterprise. “We are committed to helping organizations meet the highest levels of health and safety standards. And as business reopens, we’re putting technology to work to help companies defend their workforces by leveling-up COVID-19 prevention, detection and mitigation in the workplace.”

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