OpenEye, a provider of cloud-managed video surveillance solutions, is expanding its partner ecosystem with a new cloud-to-cloud integration with Brivo, a cloud-based access control and security platform. The integration links OpenEye’s powerful cloud-managed video platform, OpenEye Web Services (OWS), with Brivo’s Onair automated, cloud-based access control solution to provide video verification of access events and real-time alert notifications to users through the OWS platform.

“This integration allows our customers to gain additional value from their combined access control and video surveillance systems,” says Rick Sheppard, CEO and founder of OpenEye. “OpenEye Web Services’ alerting engine delivers actionable intelligence to users by combining data points from our entire ecosystem of integrated partners and marrying them with video to give users the complete picture.”

OpenEye’s new cloud-to-cloud integrations allow OWS to collect detailed access control events from linked accounts in Brivo Onair and feed them into the OWS alerts engine, along with data from other connected systems such as alarm panels and video analytics. Users can create sophisticated alert rules based on access events to send real-time push notifications to mobile devices, on-screen alerts for users performing active monitoring, transmit alerts to central monitoring stations for verification, and analyze events through visual trend reports. The new integration benefits users by offering real-time intelligence with actionable alerts, video and audio verification of access events and streamlined incident investigation.

"We are excited to launch this integration to help more companies achieve better security by optimizing the combination of access control and video surveillance," said Steve Van Till, CEO of Brivo. "Working with a strong partner like OpenEye supports the message that Saas-based, open platform solutions are the future."

For more information on OpenEye integration partnerships, visit