The MOTOTRBO Ion smart radio brings real-time intelligent data to existing business workflows. Its fully open Android application ecosystem allows for seamless integration of the mobile data applications that commercial industries depend on, such as those used for enterprise-grade barcode scanning, as well as team communication platforms used for messaging, meetings and shared content. A 13MP camera and 4-in., high-resolution touchscreen lets workers attach photos to work tickets, use video chat for remote diagnostics and view detailed images, schematics, diagrams, photos and videos. The smart radio works on the digital mobile radio standard, Wi-Fi, public LTE and private broadband networks. It is built to support searching, tracking, ticketing, scanning and collaboration to boost productivity, especially within industries such as manufacturing, transportation, logistics and hospitality that rely on mobile workers. The dual microphones, speaker size and audio engineering provide crystal clarity and noise suppression for powerful audio that outperforms smartphones, especially in loud environments. With an ultra-rugged design, it stands up to harsh conditions and exposure to dust, water and repeated drops. It features cloud-based programming and provisioning, remote updating and real-time device monitoring, allowing businesses to deploy and maintain their radio fleets with minimal touch and downtime.
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