Allied Universal will reportedly work with the Clery Center’s board of directors and members to help ensure that college and university officials meet the standards of the Jeanne Clery Act.
Receiving the highest ranking of five out of five stars, the publication evaluated the company’s official programs for veterans, reviews and information from social media platforms.
The Forbes list surveyed more than 160,000 employees working for U.S.-based companies with at least 500 people and asked respondents to rank how likely they would recommend their employer to others.
Jim Lantrip of Allied Universal Technology Services brings more than three decades of experience to the Foundation for Advancing Security Talent (FAST) board of directors.
To address the most critical threats to life and safety, enhanced protection services offers comprehensive, high-consequence threat mitigation at every stage of the risk cycle, the announcement states.
The OnCon Icon Awards are voted on by peers and presented to individuals based on accomplishments at their companies and within the talent acquisition community.