For whatever reason — perhaps from growing up during the social revolution of the 1960s — I am a fairly consistent user of the seven words you can’t say on network TV. Whenever I’m cut off in traffic or a piece of equipment fails to perform exactly right, out comes a virtual waterfall of curse words.
A robust, well-designed security system should function reliably, providing users with the protection and features they need without having to think about it. If problems arise and users spend more time troubleshooting or working around the system, security can be compromised and the organization’s ability to function can be hindered.
Communication Networks of Danbury, Conn., doing business as ComNet, a manufacturer of fiber optic transmission and networking equipment, named Ricardo Acle as the company’s director of Latin America sales. Ricardo is responsible the company’s Latin America sales effort.
Fit Jeff Graham in between Thomas Edison and Walt Disney. All are holders of patents but Graham has blended lighting with eye-catching entertainment into a star ceiling, which can ramp up a home theater, add charm to a little girl’s bedroom or even humanize a business conference room.