Cultural institutions, such as museums and libraries, have a unique set of characteristics that make fire and life safety requirements different from those of other buildings. A life safety system must simultaneously safeguard precious objects and protect patrons — and do so with minimal distractions or disruptions.
B. Safe Inc., Wilmington, Del., a regional provider of security and fire alarms to Del., Md., N.J., and Pa., has acquired Alarm Surveillance Technologies Corp. (AST) out of Ambler, Pa.
Like in many communities across the country, the ISD 196 school facilities are aging, along with their fire alarm systems, installed more than 20 years ago.
May 20, 2014
The school district is continually reviewing the status of the fire alarm systems within its remaining schools and will potentially be replacing those systems as warranted.
In this year’s market, growth is coming from newer technologies including emergency communications systems (ECS) and mass notification systems (MNS), carbon monoxide (CO) products and legislation, Internet protocol (IP) and wireless options.
AFA Protective Systems Inc. completed the acquisition of Ready Alarm Inc. in December 2012. Ready Alarm, with 45 years in business, had contracts representing more than $45,000 in recurring monthly revenue (RMR), consisting of commercial fire alarm monitoring, maintenance and inspection services in the New York City marketplace.
The Burglar and Fire Alarm Association of Michigan (BFAAM) recently sent a notice to members that Senate Bills 1291 and 1292 were signed into state law on January 2, 2013 as Public Acts PA580 and PA 581.
Addressable fire alarm systems would appear to be tailor-made for the K-12 educational market — and many schools already have adopted the technology, simplifying maintenance and providing more detailed information in the event that the local fire department must be called in. Yet, budget issues have prevented some schools from installing addressable fire systems and have prevented some schools with older addressable systems from obtaining the latest generation of the fire alarm technology.
When GateWay Community College’s Director of Facilities Charlie Poure originally came on board as a Maricopa County Community College District facility director, he was disheartened to discover seven buildings on the 30-acre campus outfitted with different brands of obsolete fire alarm systems and faulty wiring.
Fire-Lite Alarms by Honeywell launched an online series of free, nationally accredited fire alarm trainings, covering basic fire alarm technology through to the application of specific systems in a variety of environments. Each one-hour, online course explores installers’ most requested topics not addressed within Fire-Lite Alarms’ instructor-led courses.
Tort law defines standard of care as the degree of prudence and caution required of an individual who is under a duty of care (a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that individuals adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could possibly harm others). The requirements of the standard are closely dependent on circumstances.