Canon U.S.A. has collaborated with the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) on a campaign to bring attention to the risks associated with purchasing counterfeit power accessories, such as batteries, chargers and external flashes.
I will admit it; I work in a pretty sloppy fashion. While the “bills to be paid” and the “bills to be sent” always get top priority, other items in my business and personal life seem to get magically piled up around my desk and workspace, only to be addressed when desperation occurs.
The strengths of thermal cameras for use in video surveillance have been well-documented, most notably their reliance on heat signatures alone to “see.”
The demand for video surveillance, combined with continued advancements in technology and resolution, is driving most of the demand for video storage solutions.
Security integrators have traditionally been slightly ambivalent toward wireless access control; but end user attitudes, better technology, and increased revenue opportunities make this technology one that it’s time to get to know better.