David A. Stang, founder and president of Stang Capital Advisory, established the company after running Bank of America’s Security Alarm special industry group for nearly 10 years and working in banking for more than 20 years.
Most of the largest security dealers in the industry confirm they were on solid footing in 2014, and their 3.8 percent aggregate growth in RMR proves it. But for many dealers, new competitors are too close for comfort.
The Electronic Security Association of Florida (ESA-FL), the newest chartered chapter of ESA, announced its inaugural officers, who were recently confirmed by its membership.
Now in its second year, Security Week will once again bring four diverse, yet interrelated, security events together in NYC. The week opens on Tuesday, Oct. 30 with ISC East (Oct. 30-31) at the Javits Center and the Security Week Gala (Oct. 30) at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers, followed by the Security 500 (Nov. 1) and Securing New Ground (Nov. 1-2) conferences at the Conrad Hotel.
Get quality video solutions for a price that satisfies you and your customers! Choose indoor or outdoor cameras, DVRs and more for your small- to mid-sized applications. The Advantage Line is a suite of products and tools that give you an edge on the competition, no matter what the challenge.
Research the distributors who sell security and other low-voltage products to dealers and integrators in the security channel. Presented in alphabetical order, each listing details the products they carry and the services they offer, so you can quickly find the wholesalers that have exactly what you need.