Often you hear the terms connected home and smart home used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. At least not yet. What is the difference between the smart home and the connected home today? The degree of “connectivity.”
The connected home space in 2017 continued to be very strong for all players; for security dealers, finding their footing in this everchanging market remains a priority in 2018.
To tweak a line from a famous Frank Sinatra song: 2017, it was a very good year. It was a very good year for connected homes, that is. Massive amounts of advertising from big players inside and outside the security space, a rapidly advancing technology landscape, and an avid interest from homeowners at all economic levels led to a connected home space that is growing by leaps and bounds.
Ui Supplies, a value-added regional distributor of name brand consumer and specialty electronics for the metro New York/tri-state region and member of the PowerHouse Alliance, will celebrate their anniversary and sixth annual BBQ Bash and Trade Show at its new Plainview, N.Y., flagship location on July 26.
Nice S.p.A., an Italian international home automation and home security company, acquired FIBARO, a brand in the global smart home market. The transaction, which was public as of Friday, July 13, is valued at $73 million and includes the entire share capital of Fibar Group S.A. including its U.S. subsidiary.
Overhead Door Brand fully integrated OHD Anywhere into its Overhead Door Legacy 920 garage door openers, allowing homeowners to monitor and control their garage door opener from anywhere using their Apple iPhone or Android phone or device.
Bird Home Automation Group’s IP converter DoorBird D301 enables the user to communicate with anyone standing at their front door via smartphone or tablet and converts conventional door intercom systems into IP door intercoms.
August Home Inc. announced a partnership with Alarm.com to strengthen the security of the front door. By integrating the August Smart Lock Pro into the Alarm.com platform, homeowners with smart home security systems powered by Alarm.com will be able to remotely control access to the front door, manage their security system and connect to multiple devices around the home with a single tap on the Alarm.com app.