The Mission 500 Security 5k/2k annual fundraiser, which has traditionally taken place onsite at ISC West, is shifting to a virtual format to raise funds for children in need across the United States.
Genetec, a provider of unified security, public safety, operations and business intelligence solutions, today announced it is significantly expanding its digital initiatives to make it easier for customers and partners to stay connected and informed over the coming months.
The PowerHouse Alliance 11 distributor members announced the list of events and trainings to help dealers get ahead in the summer months, including a BBQ Bash from member Ui supplies and a four day training road show event from member Pioneer Music Company.
The PowerHouse Alliance’s 11 distributor members released their event schedule for June, with a range of home automation and new Samsung product training, plus two events from members Pioneer Music Company and Davis Distribution Systems.
The PowerHouse Alliance 12 distributor members released the March schedule of dealer trainings and events, including a home automation and security focus, a new warehouse location and annual expo.