On a mission in Kabul on August 5, 2014, an Afghan military soldier shot Jeremy four times, including once in the back. The shot to his spine severed Jeremy’s vena cava and 80 percent of the nerves to his lower extremities, paralyzing both his legs. While Jeremy faced a long and painful recovery, he was determined to overcome his injuries.
Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, Post-Pandemic Growth Opportunity in the Global Security Industry, finds that the security industry has tremendous investment opportunities despite the economic slowdown witnessed due to COVID-19.
Through a partnership with 412 Food Rescue, Guardian is picking up and delivering fresh food every week to area non-profits who will distribute the food to those in need throughout the region.
Owen Security Solutions, a locally-owned and operated security and technology company, has acquired the Cartersville branch of Priority One Security Inc.
We’ve all been there, working long hours to get projects done, eager to mark them off the list. But, often one or more minor things still need attention to actually wrap up a project. Have you ever said, “It doesn’t really matter right now if the cables at the panel are organized and labeled,” or “instructions aren’t written or given to the owners, but that’s OK, we will come back when there’s more time?”
Emily is a salesperson for a security company in Ohio that I am working with who was at the end of her rope. It seemed to her that no one was responding to her emails, at least not completely. She was discouraged and looking for solutions.
If we mentioned SEO, your first thought is probably Google. But it isn’t the only site you should consider when you want to optimize your local SEO. The other big player is YouTube, which is its own search engine. If you’ve been putting off investing in video marketing, now is the time to get serious about it.
Two motions for summary judgment were filed in the United States District Court, S.D. New York regarding an electrical fire in the maximum security prison Sing Sing. The motions involved determining whether there were enough fire safety precautions taken by the defendants and if the plaintiffs exhausted their administrative remedies.